Originally posted by Rick Durkee
refnrev made a comment in the "Team Control Fouls" thread about fans and parents not understanding rule changes right away (I know, some of them will never get it.), but I wonder whether associations ever make and effort to help them understand. It seems like it might not take too much effort to print and distribute a "fan friendly" version of rule changes and encourage schools to somehow communicate the changes to people who come to the gym early in the season. They could put up a sign, print changes on programs, or do a PowerPoint presentation and set up a computer as a kiosk in the gym lobby. All right, the last one was over the top, but have ideas like this been tried?
When I played, we had meet the coaches/team during the first week of practice. During this time, the coaches would invite an area official in to discuss some of the rules/rule changes to the parents. It really didn't help as our fans were still some of the worst around!