I can understand this so-called black list in high school, our by-laws allow this. I ran into a situation only last week when coaches in a 7th and 8th grade league were allowed to black ball officials. Now there was two regions involved and only two officials were scratched.
These just happen to be my crew folks from the past few years. I did not understand why. We are talking about grade school, geeze!
A High School HC calls me up to help him with a game and I tell him I have one for tonight and he asked if I could find him someone, I give him my buddies names. I had no idea that he needed them for the same tournament in which they were black balled. My crew mate drove 45+ miles one way to call a game for 40.00. Not for the money, for the love of the game. This HC was classy, he paid my crew mate and gave him kind words, but the hurt and humiliation was evident in our conversation.
After my game, I noticed my crew mate who went to this game was already back. He said once he arrived, they told him he could not do the game. The HC who called me could not believe it. He stated that the two officials that were black balled were good officials even in a loss, well respective. I was hurt over this, this guy was my mentor, a friend, who was hurt.
I then reported to the local grade schools AD's that I would no longer be doing this tournament due to this issue. I have yet to do their games, they are working games with officials with a combined 7 years exp instead of 75 years!
I take black ball like this, they are just missing one damn good official who works his tail off, sorry for your loss.
I will send an update on this and hope you guys can send a word of encouragement to my crew mate and the HC.