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Old Wed Oct 26, 2005, 07:34pm
David Emerling David Emerling is offline
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Location: Germantown, TN (east of Memphis)
Posts: 783
Re: The Davis System

Originally posted by RPatrino

As for UmpAndy getting hit by foul balls, its not because of being too far back. There are more than likely mechanical reasons, and a good evaluator, partner or clinic instructor will find out and fix it. I have found since using the GD System, I DO NOT GET HIT, period! Probably twice in 4 years. This is probably because I am doing higher level ball, but also because I am not moving around so much.

Sorry for the long post, but this is a subject that is near and dear to my heart.

Bob P.
You are definitely in greater risk of getting hit the GD stance, notwithstanding that you have NOT been hit. That's more luck than any direct correlation to the fact that you're using the GD stance.

And, the fact that you're calling higher ball suggests the risk of getting hit rests largely on the chance that the catcher will miss the ball.

In that regard, the GD stance is no more risky than any other stance. If the catcher can't catch, you're going to get hit - true.

But the GD stance increases the cone at which you are liable to be hit by a tipped pitched. There can be no question about that. It also exposes your hands to a much higher degree.

I think the GD stance *does* increase the accuracy of calls, but at the price of taking more foul tips off the body.

David Emerling
Memphis, TN
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