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Old Wed Oct 26, 2005, 02:48am
WhatWuzThatBlue WhatWuzThatBlue is offline
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My first thought was that I would tell the SS to stop saying "back" as he slaps his glove. But given the propensity for debate on this site I decided to do some research. I checked 2005 BRD (item 340) and J/R (page 207 of 2004 edition) and based on the examples given for verbal obstruction I would say that saying "back" to a runner in this situation is a very grey area. I also checked to see if anything in the FED case book on this and did not find, although I did find some case plays that were similar to ones mentioned in BRD and J/R as examples. So, after this quick look at references I will stick with my original thought, and tell the SS to stop saying "back" when he slaps his glove.

It's nothing in NCAA and OBR, see item 340 in BRD. Clearly, to be mentioned in the BRD means there is a difference in interpretation between FED, NCAA, OBR.

Okay, I'll play Devil's Advocate here: The coach says, "Why does he have to stop doing that? Show me the rule."