Originally posted by CJN
But don't you guys think that the umpires should be made more available to the media, I mean like the article says the players don't run and hide when they make up a mistake or give up a big run. And when the players talk the questions aren't determined or immediately protected by mangers if a reporter asks a tough question. Also the players take responsibility for their actions/mistakes while the umpires just make excuses. Now don't get me wrong I know the umpires have a tough job and they are bound to make mistakes, all I'm asking is that umpires start taking responsibilty and not copping out or hiding.
You call what the media does with players responsibility?
How about the interview Michael Irvin had with "what's his name" this week on ESPN? (refuse to mention the name of the Cowboys attempt at a wide-receiver)
What the media does is give the players an avenue so they can escape "messing up", "missing a block", "penalty", "striking out with bases loaded" and then the players can look good when they look for their next contract.
When someone presses them like Michael Irvin did, the players start playing the "blame game" everytime.
They call them interviews, but I look at it as giving them a chance to explain how what they did was "not that big a deal" in the scope of things.
IOW's the players favorite statement,
"but, it wasn't my fault"