Originally posted by PeteBooth
Also, I find it ironic. Suppose the umpiring we have witnessed thus far was the LLWS instead of the Major league baseball World Series. The umpiring crews would be chastized "to death" but because they are PRO Umpires they "get a pass".
The other venue is to improve the rating process. My gut tells me that there are Fine young umpires in the Minor League System just aching to get a chance and maybe after witnessing what we have seen thus far they should. Apparently politics plays an important role in the BIG leagues as well as every where else.
Pete Booth
The LLWS umpires who were chastised were those who CONSISTENTLY made mistakes or CONSISTENTLY used incorrect mechanics throughout the game. One particular umpire called every pitch outside and down a strike. Not just one miss, not just two or three, but everyone. Some others were CONISISTENTLY out of position for calls. Still others demonstrated their level by dusting off the pitcher's rubber, second base and most anything else that didn't move between innings.
The pro umpires are making mistakes as we all do. In their case the mistakes are few. Replay and idiots like McCarver exaggerate them and give the impression that they are the norm. Unlike in the LLWS, they are not.
I saw one LLWS umpire make more mistakes in one game that all the pros combined have made so far in the LCS and WWS put together.
Regarding you next point, one of the reasons we are seeing some of the mistakes we are is that some "fine young umpires in the minor league system" were brought up before they were ready as the result of the labor issues or 1999.
We don't need a repeat of that.
Lastly, do you call the current glut of publicity and the finger pointing by all the talking heads not to mention the LL umpires, is really getting a "pass.?"