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Old Wed Oct 24, 2001, 08:01am
Gee Gee is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2000
Posts: 305
When the pitcher balks but continues his pitch/throw the play ends when the receiving fielder CATCHES the ball. If the throw is errant and not caught the play continues until continuous action ends.

When I was coaching (OBR) I had a sitch where the pitcher balked before coming home, he continued his motion and pitched. The batter clocked it. The BU tried to stop him from running and I kept yelling for him to keep going. He finally slid into home safe but the run wasn't allowed.

Both umps said the ball was dead at the time of the balk(No FED in the state). I told them they were wrong and asked them if they would like to see the rule from the book in my back pocket. Of course they refused. I protested the game at that time but it wasn't heard as we lost the game and that was not a deciding factor to the outcome of the game.

I remember that happening to the Yanks several years ago. Skowron was on second and the pitcher balked but pitched. The batter singled but Skowron heard the balk call and didn't try to advance, he could have scored on the hit.

Balk, Skowron awarded third and the batter returns. Forgot what happened after that. G.
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