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Old Mon Oct 24, 2005, 09:19am
jacob_23 jacob_23 is offline
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Originally posted by JJ
I'm always amused by any quote that starts out, "One source says...". I usually quit reading about that time...

While I can certainly see where you're coming from I wouldn't automatically dismiss a report that cites only "anonymous" sources. Speaking as a journalist, I can certainly say that this tactic is used extensively where someone talks to you "off the record" - in other words you can quote them but can't attribute the quote. So you end up using phrases such as "an unnamed source said", "sources close to the situation said" and the like. While your story loses a little in terms of its strength, the fact the sources are anonymous doesn't necessarily mean you're making it up.

In this case, it's clear there is no way they could get a source to speak on the record. Think about it - a major league umpire putting his name to these kinds of sentiments would effectively be signing his own death warrant. Whereas if the source speaks off the record the story gets out but the source is safe (well, until the journalist gets subpoenaed, anyway... ha ha).

In this case, Froemming or Winters may well have given an anonymous interview, so the story, while probably a little overdone, probably still rings true. In fact, rereading the piece it sounds almost certain that is was Froemming and Winters that gave this interview, which quotes "two sources familiar with the process" and then goes on to talk about Froemming and Winters as two umpires who allegedly got screwed in the WS selection process. Coincidence?

The strage things to me are these: why the feud between Froemming and Pulli? Both were staunch Richie Phillips suporters; it was merely the fact Pulli's resignation was accepted while Froemming's was not. Why does Pulli a) support the use of Questec and b) allegedly base all his decisions on it? Given the fact that he was an extremely respected umpire in his day it would seem obvious that he realises the farce behind the Questec system. Why has Pulli become such a stooge of the commissioner's office? After all, these people "took away his job"!! And finally, Angel Hernandez is back in the WS. Again. There's got to be more to this.


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