Thread: My First Game
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Old Sat Oct 22, 2005, 03:52am
SMEngmann SMEngmann is offline
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Although I wasn't there, I'd venture to make an educated guess that the hostile fan behavior was directly related to the behavior of the coach. Allow too much rope, and there are many ways to get hanged. Fans take their cues from the coach, if he's ranting, raving and berating, chances are his fans will feel and act based on his reactions, regardless of the activity on the court. Same with players. In a situation with a hostile coach, particularly in a sub varsity game, someone's gotta deal with him either through communication, or a technical foul if it persists. A lot of JV coaches emulate what they see on TV and will push the envelope as far as they can. Too many officials are unwilling to deal with them when they get out of line and that just causes problems in their games and throughout the season. I'm not saying look to T, just enforce the rules and do what you can to control the game. You have a hard enough time controlling one coach, let alone trying to deal with fans too.
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