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Old Thu Oct 20, 2005, 08:25am
MJT MJT is offline
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Re: Unlikely

Originally posted by waltjp
Highly unlikely, but what if B's coach insisted on declining the penalty?

I think if they originally say decline, you want to make sure they fully understand that we have a LOD so by declining it, the only thing they are gaining by declining it is NOT moving team A back 5 additional yards. Usually they really do not understand how that all works, and I think we need to make sure they fully understand their options before letting them decline a LOD foul.

The only time I have ever seen a team not want to accept a yardage penalty, which is a no brainer is if the team has a FS or DOG on a very short FG and they are at a wide angle and do not want to back them up and give them a better angle.
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