Thread: Cursing
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Old Thu Oct 20, 2005, 01:25am
PWL PWL is offline
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 169

Originally posted by jicecone
Originally posted by jicecone
PWL, In 20 years I have never had a season that someone, has not been ejected. NEVER!!!! And I have averaged anywhere from 50 - 175 games per year, during that period. From LL through D2 college and men's semi pro leagues, I can honestly say there was NEVER, a season that some one didn't get asked to leave.

I would guess that the high was about 8, and the low, 1.

But in all do respect sir, the forum finds your claim, (well maybe i will speak only for mysel), to have never ejected a coach or other, somewhat VERY VERY VERY hard to believe.

Could you enlighten us with your credentials. it would be most helpful?

If I am wrong about this , please correctme, but I would still, like to hear your credentials.

[Edited by jicecone on Oct 19th, 2005 at 08:55 PM]
I once again, ask for you to give us your experience and credentials, so that we may be able to better understand where you are coming from?
Why would you? Do you really care? You know I've been labeled a bigot by the Big Double C himself. I made an earlier post explaining why I did what I did. Bob Jenkins deleted it down to the one sentence that made look like a fool. Now it seems like I'm a liar on top of it. What have I got to gain. Tell me.

Actually, I thought your first post was funny. Guess I could have phrased it better where some of the less educated without a really firm grasp on the English language could understand. Then the same old pack started to pile on. Especially, the one person whose posts I've read in the past is famous for. Does he ever have an original thought. I quit reading anything with his name on it a long time ago.

I may have been politically incorrect, but I'm not a bigot. They can rant on about that all they to. Until they have some solid proof, let them be the Internet Police. Like I say, people make mistakes. I just can't understand why you are so interested in me. I think you just painted the wrong picture in your head. I don't take myself too serious. If Bubba wants to coach when I umpire, he's more than welcome. I can hardly wait. MY FIRST EJECTION.

I sure he will say something stupid, he always does on the forum.

I still don't know why you want to know about me.