Thread: Cursing
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Old Wed Oct 19, 2005, 10:44pm
SanDiegoSteve SanDiegoSteve is offline
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Let me break this down for you, please. Bugs Bunny kept drawing a new line saying "I dare you to cross this line", then the guy does, and he draws another line, and another, etc. C'mon, have a freakin' sense of humor. I had even put a smiley in so you would know I was ribbing you. If you get this mad in your games, I'm surprised you haven't melted down and thrown out a whole bench! I really just wanted an answer, because you told a coach you would do something, and then said you wouldn't really do it, you just said it. I just asked why you would do that. That is the ONLY answer I wanted back from you. I have very respectfully addressed you in my posts. And Cum Ba Ya is a song which is sang around the campfire, and this is how it is spelled, I believe. It is a song for people to come together in worship. It asks for God to draw near. You must have your mind in the gutter if you thought I meant anything dirty from it. Sick!
Matthew 15:14, 1 Corinthians 1:23-25