Wed Oct 19, 2005, 09:23pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Apr 2001
Posts: 2,716
Originally posted by jicecone
PWL, In 20 years I have never had a season that someone, has not been ejected. NEVER!!!! And I have averaged anywhere from 50 - 175 games per year, during that period. From LL through D2 college and men's semi pro leagues, I can honestly say there was NEVER, a season that some one didn't get asked to leave.
I would guess that the high was about 8, and the low, 1.
But in all do respect sir, the forum finds your claim, (well maybe i will speak only for mysel), to have never ejected a coach or other, somewhat VERY VERY VERY hard to believe.
Could you enlighten us with your credentials. it would be most helpful?
If I am wrong about this , please correctme, but I would still, like to hear your credentials.
[Edited by jicecone on Oct 19th, 2005 at 08:55 PM]
I once again, ask for you to give us your experience and credentials, so that we may be able to better understand where you are coming from?