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Old Wed Oct 19, 2005, 09:22pm
Mark Dexter Mark Dexter is offline
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Originally posted by David M
Originally posted by Nevadaref
Originally posted by ChuckElias
It's also true if a foul is committed against the shooter. They just want to make sure you realize that continuous motion applies on any defensive foul once the shooter's motion has started.
Right, and this is because this was a "2004-05 Major Editorial Change[s]."

"4-11-1 Clarified that continuous motion applies to a try or tap for a field goal and free throws, when there is a foul by any defensive player, not just a defensive foul on the shooter."

Apparently, people were not calling this correctly.

What would you do if, during a free throw, A1 has started his shooting motion B1 fouls A2. You blow the whistle for the foul and A1 stops before he/she releases the ball. Would you give A1 another attempt?
Yes (6.7 B in the casebook.)

In my many years around basketball, however, I have never seen a foul called at this point during a FT.
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