Originally posted by SanDiegoSteve
Originally posted by PWL
I never pay the least slight attention to coaches yelling from the dugout or from the coaching boxes In fact, I have never had an ejection.
I call time. Walk over to the dugout. I say calmly, "It ends right now or I'm going to eject the person I think is responsible. You might want to want to get somebody ready in the bullpen". Not that I would do that of course, but it really quites them down a lot.
I believe that if you have never had an ejection, you either haven't been doing your job, or you haven't umpired very many games. It seems like you take a whole lot of crap off of coaches before you even warn them.
You actually walk over to their dugout? Any bench jockeying starts, I usually wag my index finger at them while shaking my head "no", they usually get the message. If they don't, somebody's leaving. My ejections have gone way down over the years, as coaches know better than to act that way in my games.
I'll bet they get a kick out of you pointing your butt at them too!
No, I don't take a lot of crap. And you know why? That is taken care of at the pre-game meeting. I call a good game. I don't have rabbit ears like some people. I respect the coaches, and they respect me. The coaches in Texas don't want to get ejected because it creates a big hassle for them. Last but not least, like a stated in my original post, I'm having so much fum out there, it's hard to piss me off. Now, don't think I won't eject someone if I have to.
Correct me if I'm wrong. If you have a lot of ejections, does that mean you lost control somewhere or maybe you are calling a crappy game? Do the coaches not respect you? It's got to something.