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Old Wed Oct 19, 2005, 06:53am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally posted by Mark T. DeNucci, Sr.
Originally posted by refnrev
After all these years, I finally had to eject my first player. I've cautioned countless times, but that has always worked for me. Tonight boys JV game being played after the V. Early in the second half I called a foul on red midfielder. I point the direction of the foul and from 55 yards away I hear the red keeper yell, "No F*%$ing way!" I make sure I heard him right by checking with the AR. He confirms what I heard. I jog to the penalty area to issue a yellow card. I call him over to me and he begins to walk away. I call him a second time. He reluctantly walks towards me. I issue the yellow. He then proceeds to tell me that I had been bull$@&&ing his team all night and continued to argue, yell, and cuss. Then he told me to give him another card, almost daring me to do so that he didn't care. Hope he's happy. I gave him what he asked for. What's so stupid is that the playoffs start this weekend. I hope he wasn't planning on playing in their game!

I just have one question: A player drops an F-bomb directed directly at you and you give him yellow card?

A F-bomb is always a red card from the start.

MTD, Sr.

[Edited by Mark T. DeNucci, Sr. on Oct 17th, 2005 at 12:20 AM]
Now we understand why this was his first EVER "ejection."

BTW in high school the proper terminology is disqualification, while it is send-off under the LOTG. Ejection is not the precise term for either set. There is a post on the USsoccer website in the Ask a Soccer Referee feature stating such.

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