Originally posted by chuck chopper
The man I spoke to last night was Kevin Ryan. He advised that the feedback from the umpires in the country needs to be channeled thru the Regional UIC's. I am in Region 3. Regional UIC's file reports quarterly on various topics.
Uniforms are supposedly looked at and evaluated all year long. At this time I am unsure when the ASA finally decides each year what items and what styles to carry, and then prepares to go to print with the ASA Properties folks.
You got the standard "go through the chain of command" answer that you could expect when you talk to the top man. Of course, you can tell your local/state UIC, who will tell Bob Savoie (your Regional UIC), who will report to the committee; or, you can just tell the committee chair if you have some definitive ideas that should be considered.
For that matter, you could just tell Mike here (Irishmafia), who has direct a pipeline to Bob.