Originally posted by assignmentmaker
Originally posted by Jurassic Referee
Originally posted by assignmentmaker
I'd be happy to have any constructive criticism, and will tolerate anything else without curmudgeonly excess (you know who you are).
Gee, you're not the first one to say that to me....

Fwiw, Einstein, I really do try to ignore as many of your posts as I possible can. They're either (1)way too deep for stoopid ol' me, or (2) they make my widdle head hurt.
I was hoping you would take a look at it. I have a lot of respect for your grasp of the rules.
Naw, actually I went back and deleted that post. You musta got to it before I completed doing that.
I'm trying to cut back back on the "curmudgeonly excess" stuff- especially on Mondays.
"Hasta la vagina" or whatever "goodbye" is in Chinese.