Originally posted by BktBallRef
Originally posted by Junker
NU1, why wait to assess the T? Hit your whistle and do it when it happens......You did the right thing in calling the T, but in my opinion, you should have gotten it when it occured.
Wrong answer. He waited to see if Team B was going to push the ball for a fast break. To whistle the T in the middle of B's drive to the basket is a disadvantage to Team B. The Case Book instructs us to wait in this situation. He did the right thing by waiting.
Know what? I disagree. Simply because of the way I see this play unfolding.
The way I read this is that the comment was not made "in the middle of B's drive", it was made as B grabbed the rebound. If B had already pushed the ball up to midcourt or further then fine, give them a few seconds. But then what the heck was Nu1 still doing back there anyway if the ball was upcourt? Maybe there was a nifty outlet pass to get the ball upcourt, but I didn't read that in there.
The way I see this sitch hit the whistle right away.