Originally posted by Toadman15241
Cuzzi just ejected LaRussa for arguing balls and strikes. I think that Cuzzi's zone has been consistant so far today. Good job my Tim McClelland of getting inbetween the two and staying there for a while. Also, Cuzzi did not engage LaRussa at all He walked away like all umpires should (but many MLB umps do not). Comments?
Now Edmonds just got tossed.
Cuzzi took quite a bit, but it looked as though (trying to read lips) Edmonds put the word you and the f-bomb together and, well.....
Now, was the pitch really a strike? It looked a bit high at first glance, but it was borderline. And Cuzzi is known for calling the high strike.
McClelland is getting a workout, but he did a great job keeping LaRussa off of Cuzzi. LaRussa HAD to get run -- what choice did Cuzz i have? And all of those pitches in that at bat weren't even borderline strikes.