UmpAndy, don't worry, I'm a gentleman poster. Not like some around here who will jump your butt for asking a question. I understand you are asking a serious question.
First, why don't many MLB umps seem to be switching to the GD? Well, there are a few, and there seems to be a few that switch every season. Remember, these guy are AT the top, they aren't struggling to get there. They have little incentive to change something that has worked very well for them in the past. There are only two stances that MLB umps use, a box or a variant of that, or the scissors. Only two or three are using the knee.
So, for a long answer to a short question, if a MLB ump feels that he needs to "fix" his current plate approach, he may look at the GD. I think once they go GD they don't go back.
B. Patrino
Bob P.
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