Thread: Timing Question
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Old Sun Oct 16, 2005, 08:09am
ljudge ljudge is offline
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I saw this on another board.

4th and 10, K punts to R, R roughs kicker, penalty accepted for 15 yds and auto 1st, clock starts ready or snap?

The response from one Zebtu (who we all know is knowledgable on these forums) was SNAP...and I was thinking the same thing. He pasted in the rule:

3-4-3 . . The clock shall start with the snap or when any free kick is touched, other than first touching by K, if the clock was stopped because:

c. Either team is awarded a new series following a legal kick.

But since Zeb posted the rule I'm thinking about a little more and thinking both he and I would be incorrect in indicating SNAP.

In analyzing this the clock was stopped because of a foul, not because either team has been awarded a new series. I'm now thinking we were both wrong and it should be RFP.

Agree or disagree? Why or why not?
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