Okay, let's make this easy for all to save on time and space. A non-obstructed runner may be awarded bases they would have reached in the judgment of the umpire had an obstruction not occured if said obstruction was the means for which the non-obstructed runner could not advance.
There it is, again! But this has nothing to do with the discussion at hand.
The discussion is based on whether such a non-obstructed runner may be put out even if their baserunning antics were affected by an obstructed runner.
Speaking ASA, I believe they may. I already stated that it may not be fair, but that applies to half of the things that occur during our lifetimes.
Remember, this non-obstructed runner has two supposedly intelligent coaches to instruct her/him on what to do. If the runner still gets caught while off a base, shame on the runner and coaches for not being aware of the situation.
There is no rule which offers protection to any other offensive member of a team other than an obstructed runner. I have also checked the ASA Casebook and the ASA 2001 Clinic Guide and I can find no interpretation to cite that offers such protection. There is no rule directing the umpire to kill the ball until the obstructed runner is put out or all play has finished.
If I could find an interpretation that would allow it, I would be more than happy to apply it, but I cannot, hence I will stay with my interp, for now d:-)
Of course, there is always 10.1, but I guarantee that if this happens, no matter which way the umpire rules, if the coaches are half intelligent, there will be a protest of some sort. And I would love to see how it gets handled.
Just my opinion, nothing more d;-)
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.