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Old Sat Oct 15, 2005, 08:08pm
ABoselli ABoselli is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 710
Oh, nonsense. Back in the 50s a majority of Southern white people and a lot of their elected representatives thought school segregation was right and forcing people of color to have their own water fountains was right too.

Bingo, brother. While we're on the subject, we can talk about how one senator from Rhode Island has as much voting power as one from California, yet represents far fewer people. Those founding fathers we're pretty smart. I especially like the part about an independent judiciary being able to right the wrongs done by "the majority" - George Wallace in the door of the school, the Little Rock 7, bans on birth control, and school prayer.

Popular isn't always right. They knew that when they fashioned this government.
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