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Old Fri Oct 14, 2005, 05:23am
whaddayouknow whaddayouknow is offline
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Originally posted by ABoselli
if he wanted to lead them in a Muslim prayer? Or Buddhist? or Jewish?
I find it interesting that everyone seems to assume it wasn't. The article never says.

Perhaps he was trying to pray an old testament "smite the opponents" prayer and the kids wanted to have a new testament hand holding one. Or perhaps the team was impatient because it was one of those long winded recite-a-bible-chapter-verse prayers my grandpa used to give.

My personal opinion is let's expose those kids to the coaches personal religious philosphies. It won't hurt them for a few minutes. Let him turn them to Mecca if he wants. Let him set up a wailing wall if he wants. Maybe he could bring in some cows and light some candles for Ghaneesh. If the kids don't like it, they can excuse themselves.

Oh, wait, that's what they did. The kids complained and said we don't want to be involved anymore. WAY TO GO KIDS. YOU ARE LEARNING TO BE ADULTS VERY WELL.
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