WOW thanks for all the great replys. Yes, I knew this was an officiating forum but this was the closest I can get and knowing Umps are out there everyday and right behind the catcher, they should know a good deal about them. I went to the link and did search for 'Catching Coach' and read through most of his important (but long) tips. I have a friend who is a pitcher and we practice 2 times a week. So far I haven't had any trouble with catching the pitcher. Blocking the plate has been a challenge but I've been getting better. My weakest link is probably my throw to second on a wouldbe basestealer. I have a below average arm and so most of my throws would hit the dirt and would take way to long to get to second. I've been finding ways to improve my arm strength by playing alot of long toss and practicing throws to second. It is a good thing the season hasn't started yet so I have PLENTY of time to get in shape for the upcoming season in the spring.
Once again, thank you, umps of the baseball world on your tips and perspective.