I have no problem with taking them. I have no problem dealing with them at all. But calling people that have the answers as cheaters is a bit much. And it does not hurt anyone because they get a 60% or a 81%, you still have to officiate a game and understand why those answers are true or false. Knowing why is always more important than knowing the answers.
So what you are saying is that someone can memorize what is on the test, but not ever get into the rulebook and understand the rules? Taking a test only shows how well you understand the exact wording of the test, not your true knowledge of the rules.
Remember half the questions are repeat questions year in, year out. And it only tests a very small aspect of the rulebook. I did not understand half the test had new rules until I got my new rulebooks (we can take the exam online in Illinois).
We are just going to half to disagree on this one, posting answers means nothing. It only shows that you can remember wording and verbage rather than understanding rules and exceptions to those rules that make real rules understanding clear. Just knowing one thing in an article does not help you understand all the applications. And that is all the test do, focus on very small aspects of the rules.