Some here will most likely comment that you need to take your questions to a coaching site, because umpires don't coach, or shouldn't. But I have a soft spot for catchers since I am an umpire, and also have two sons who played catcher.
To play catcher you have to be fearless. Balls will hit you, runners will run into you. You have to have a catcher's attitude, a "middle linebacker" attitude. You are the leader of the defense. Don't ever ask to come out of a game, even it's the 7th inning of the second game of a double header on a 95 degree day.
Work on blocking pitches in the dirt. You should never let a ball go by you if you can help it. Some wild pitches that go by are the pitcher's fault and you can't be expected to stop them. Some wild pitches can be and must be stopped.
You need a very strong wrist on your catching arm. You need to be able to catch the pitch, and stick it, not let it overpower you. A borderline pitch that is stuck is often called a strike. A borderline pitch that overpowers is a ball. Your pitcher needs every strike. Your umpire wants you to stick the borderline pitch.
Work hard on hitting. The best hitters make up for a little defensive deficiency. If you can knock the snot out of the ball, you will be in the game, somewhere.
Get a really good catcher's mitt. Break it in make it your friend. You can't play catcher if you can't catch and the mitt is a large part of your ability.
Good luck!