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Old Mon Oct 10, 2005, 12:56pm
Kelvin green Kelvin green is offline
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Dont take this personally but what I would tell you is think the play through slowly and see what happens

1)who touched ball last? The fact that is partailly or fully blocked or hit the rim are all insignificant. When a ball goes OOB the person who touched it last caused it to go there and it now belongs to the other team

2) Once gain using your terms.. A1's shot is blocked. When I read shot that means ball has been released and team comtrol no longer exists (player control via Airborne shhoter still may apply) Ball is loose B hits ball A grabs it in mid air. You now have a new control and have to wworry about a travel coming down taking (too many steps coming down since travel rule would be like a pass here) and shhots it again. There is nothing...

If B blocked it while A1 was attempting the shooting process and ball did not leve A's hand you now have a jump since the opponent has his hand(s) placed firmly on the ball and prevents the player from throwing the ball or releasing it for a try...

I think officials attempt to make the game more difficult than it is by trying to read things into plays. Use the definitions and walk through plays logically and you will get calls right a whole lot more than not
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