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Old Wed Oct 05, 2005, 09:46am
Lotto Lotto is offline
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In NCAA, double personal fouls still go back to team in control, or to AP if there is no team control.

So suppose there is a double personal foul by A2 and B2 during the initial jump. We go to AP, but possession hasn't been established yet. Clearly we need to rejump. Do the jumpers have to be A2 and B2 (as some of the discussion here suggests)? Where in the NCAA rulebook does it say this?

In the original posters situation, under NCAA rules, team B has team control since the live ball is being held by B1. So the ball would go to team B after B1's second FT. Set the arrow in A's direction.

If the double foul occurs when the FT attempt is in flight, then we have no team control and the ball will be put in play with a jump.

Of course, it's hard to imagine exactly what chain of events would lead to a ref calling a double personal foul during a FT attempt with the lane cleared, but that's neither here nor there.
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