Originally posted by Mark Padgett
However, I remember Camron Rust posting a response that explained why it was equitible to have this call, because somehow it balanced off something the offense could do, and made the penalty for the offense and defense congruent.
I don't exactly remember his reasoning, but I do remember it seemed to make sense. Perhaps he could repost it.
Originally posted by Camron RustI can't seem to find my old post that you claim I made (either in the electronic nor the organic storage). But, I will try to re-think my former thoughts...and post them if I can figure it out.
Camron - if I can shake the cobwebs out for a minute, I think your post had to do with what could happen if their was no BI calls. It had something to do with defending alley-oop passes as they passed over the basket - I think.
Maybe it was this: the BI rule is not dependent on the ball being a try or not. It applies on a pass over the basket, so it would apply on a throwin. If the rule only applied on trys, we would have to decide if a pass over the basket (not on throwins, but during play) was a missed try or not. Then the NF would have to pass a new rule similar to the three-point revision they passed this year. It's much easier and cleaner to just extend the BI rule to throwins even though it is counter-intuitive, I guess.