Originally posted by Forksref
I'd like to see the encroachments be live ball fouls so the other team can have an option. On a kickoff, R could have a really great return and decline the penalty. Also, it would save time as re-kicks are time-consuming. On scrimmage plays it also would give options and save time.
Enforced an encroachment on K during a free kick this past weekend. First one in two seasons. I agree NFHS should make this a LBF as it could take away a good return, OOB kick or just a plain short kick for good field position.
The K player I called it on was about 2yds over. Often I will see some of K "breaking the plane" of the K-line but I let this go as it really doesn't seem like such and advantage to K.
But one guy 2 yards ahead of the rest of them. A "gotta call" I think.
How much leeway - or not - do you give K before you whistle the ball and everybody back?