Originally posted by jritchie
had a good question asked of me:
B1 fouls A1, Team A takes ball OOB. Team A scores basket, team B brings ball in and is dribbling up court, Buzzer sounds and we are informed that A1 should of shot bonus free throw from foul...
Now we haven't had an "ACTUAL dead ball live ball", but we have had a basket scored and the ball picked up and thrown in by Team B......
Too late for a correctable error or not???? I'm thinking that the basket by team A may be first dead ball and first live ball would be when team b picks ball up to throw in...is that not considered dead ball live ball???
if too late, play resumes with team b oob.
if correctable, what would be the correct procedure???
??points good that were scored, A1 shoots bonus throw/throws, team b oob?? just making sure
Yes, the ball becomes dead after a goal is scored (and it's a real genuine and actual dead ball

). It becomes live again when it's at the disposal of the other team for a throw-in.
All the rest of your questions can be answered by reading 2-10.