Originally posted by elecref
The following is a question that we've had on our exam in the past. I would appreciate the groups opinions with the correct answer.
Prior to the game a technical foul is charged to Team A. While the ball is at the disposal of B1 for the first attempt, a double personal foul is called. Following the free throws for the technical foul the game resumes play with a jump ball with the two involved players. Rulimg: The offical is correct
I answered this as True. Since team control has not been established, the ball has to be put back into play via jump ball between the two players involved in the double personal. I understand the POI rule, but as previously stated, no team control has been established, thus no POI. Is their anything that I may be missing
I don't have the current year books, but ...
I'd answer "false." I think the POI is the continuation of B1's FTs for the T. Then, B gets the ball OOB, and the arrow is set toward A's basket.