This play has always been a sore subject with me. I see umpires who want to put all the responsibility of avoiding contact on the runner.
Refering to the ASA POE#14; it states ".....the runner will be called out if he remains on his feet and crashes into a defensive player holding the ball and WAITING to apply the tag."
Section E in POE #14 states "If a defensive player is fielding a thrown ball and the flight of the ball carries or draws him into the path of the base runner, this would not be a crash."
Section F in POE #14 states "If the ball, runner and the defensive player all arrive at the same time and contact is made, the umpire should not invoke the collision rule (interference) or obstruction. This is merely incindental contact."
The fielder, usually the catcher, should have as much obligation to avoid the crash as does the runner. If there is a close play (ball not waiting for the runner by two steps) and the runner is only trying to get to the base, I will consider this a play under Section F. A player running full speed cannot be expected to stop and adjust in a step or two. I do agree with others on the board that stated, lowering a shoulder warrants invoking the deliberate crash rule and probably ejection. But simply raising ones hands to deflect the collision is not an agressive move.
Contact on these plays is still part of the game. Intentionally trying to dislodge the ball by physical contact with the defensive player is not.