At sub-varsity levels I will yell out, "Live Ball!" I have a very good boom on my voice, law enforcement trained. I have never had anything like this happen at the varsity level but I think at that level I just stand there. K is not trying to deceive R, they are just confused. There is no violation of the rules for being confused. The one thing I would not do as a wing is tell one sideline, "That is a live ball coach", since that would provide an unfair advantage to one sideline. As the R though, at sub-varisty, I do yell out "Live Ball" loud enough for fans on both sidelines to hear.
Had one today in a Junior High game. K lines up for a field goal from the 10 yard line, tee at the 17. I yell out before the snap, "Live Play, Live Ball!" I do this because 7th & 8th grade games are generally played with dead punts, so we need to remind them they can rush the kick since it is a scoring attempt. The "Live Ball" part is for my fellow two officials. The ball is partially blocked behind the NZ, but continues across the neutral zone and is rolling around the 2 yard line. The holder picks up his tee and starts trotting off, both coaches start getting their Off/Def ready to take the field. I yell out "Live Ball" and all 22 players sprang back to life and both HC's realized that was a field goal, not a try and turned their attention back to the field. R picks up the ball and returns it about 12 yards before being tackled.
I still think at varsity level I just wait for the ball to stop rolling and when no one is trying to get it and it has stopped rolling blow it dead. If it is in player possession I would just stand and watch. But we are likely going to get at least one IP foul for a substitute coming off the sideline and entering the field thinking the play is over.
See the ball, insure its dead
Then the whistle, not ahead