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Old Thu Sep 29, 2005, 12:50pm
Daryl H. Long Daryl H. Long is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Jerry City, Ohio
Posts: 394
The rule I hang my hat on is NF 3-4-2b3. It gives three exceptions to starting on the ready for play.

It is written in the negative tense so lets rewrite it in the positive tense. To do so we have to state it exactly opposite. That means removing the NO/NOT and changing ready for play to snap.

If written in the positive it would look like this:

Art.2...The clock shall start on the SNAP for other than a free kick it the clock was STOPPED:
a. ....
b. Because the ball has become dead following any foul
provided in either (a) or (b):
1. There has been a charged time-out during the dead ball interval.
2. The down is an extension of a period or try.
**** 3. The action which caused the down to end also caused the clock to be stopped.

Since in our sitch the action which caused the down to end (the recovery of the scrimmage kick) also caused the clock to be stopped....therefore according to NF 3-4-2b3 the clock starts on the SNAP.

Also please note one other thing. In both 3-4-2 and 3-4-3 The reason given in both rules for starting clock on snap or ready for play depends ENTIRELY ON WHY THE CLOCK WAS STOPPED.

3-4-2 The clock shall start with the ready for play signal ...IF THE CLOCK WAS STOPPED:

Then the list.

3-4-3 The clock shall start with the snap...IF THE CLOCK WAS STOPPED BECAUSE:

Then the list.

It has nothing to do with whose posession or what down is next.

Mike: don't start wavering on me. You wrote brilliantly in agreement with me.

To those of you relying on FRD..throw it away and just rely on rule books.

[Edited by Daryl H. Long on Sep 29th, 2005 at 01:58 PM]
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