Originally posted by Daryl H. Long
Originally posted by BktBallRef
LOL! This the longest thread I've ever started! 
The sad thing is that the ruling shouldn't be that difficult.
It was a great question and so far even though I disagree with many in the post at least I like that they are justifying their answers with rules citations.
The difficult part we are have is agreeing on what caused the clock to stop. The foul? (I say no) or the recovery of the scrimmage kick? ( which I say both ended the down AND stopped the clock).
Yes, the clock is stopped because there was a kick.
Yes, the clock was stopped because there was a flag.
There's no disputing that.
Now, what determines when the clock restarts is what happens next.
If the penalty is declined, then the clock starts on the snap because A NEW SERIES HAS BEEN AWARDED.
If the penalty is accepted, then the clock starts on the ready because a NEW SERIES HAS
It's doesn't get anymore more simple than that.
You guys are too focused on why the clock stopped. Read the rule on when the clock starts. That's what you should be focusing on. The clock doesn't start on the snap unless A NEW SERIES HAS BEEN AWARDED.
[Edited by BktBallRef on Sep 29th, 2005 at 10:31 AM]