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Old Wed Sep 28, 2005, 12:13am
rainmaker rainmaker is offline
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Originally posted by Mark Padgett
Originally posted by rainmaker

Was his suspension related to the other situation? I can't imagine. And if so, was he also suspended at his other sitch (name unmentioned) for the same reason?

If anything comes of this, I'll be shocked, but I guess what they say is true -- you just never know.

Mark, I'd also be interested in knowing who the young woman was. It had her name in the paper, but that didn't mean anything to me. Who did she coach? What does she look like?
First of all, yes - the other HS (a private school) where he was an assistant football coach also suspended him. They said it was only because of his suspension at his primary school and that they would just wait to see what happened there.

The only thing I can think of - and this is pure speculation - is that somehow he heard rumors of something going on and didn't act on it quickly enough. Knowing him as I do, I can't imagine he had any actual involvement.

As to who the young female coach is - other than referring you to an earlier story that had her picture in the paper - I don't know how else to describe her to you. I know she assisted on one of the summer league teams from that school, but I don't remember which one. It could have been V, JV or F. She looked very familiar to me, however. I think she may have played there a few years ago. Other than that, I don't know anything about her. I do know that she had nothing to do with the local rec league with which I am associated.
I never saw a photo, just an article last week in the middle of the Metro section of the Oregonian. Was there another article this week? I haven't seen today's paper.
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