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Old Mon Oct 08, 2001, 10:18pm
zebraman55 zebraman55 is offline
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Cool TV Angles are not what you think!

Although there are upwards of 15 cameras per game (in some cases), they do not always provide the correct angle. And, as Zeke pointed out, those super imposed gold lines the networks use are not always accurate. SO..........

Didn't see the game, but let's keep in mind that the line judge has the best view of the ltg. If he is confident of his spot, then he may have been right.

What I question is why he would have pointed on fourth down. Not sure of the NFL mechanics, but what we practice, if it is close, especially on 4th down, we kill the clock, and allow the referee to determine the proximity of the ball and the ltg. And, if close, as safe measure, we will measure to demonstrate to coaches, players, and fans that the ball was short of the ltg.

Should we be questioning the lj's mechanics?

patrick schneider
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