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Old Tue Sep 27, 2005, 10:33am
mikesears mikesears is offline
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First we need to know how/when a new series is awarded. Here is the pertinent rule.

3-1-2: A new series is awarded:

b. After a fourth down, a new series of downs shall be awarded only after considering the effect of any act during the down.

Then we need to look at the timing rule on when to START the clock.

3-4-2: The clock shall start with the ready-for-play signal for other than a free kick if the clock was stopped:

a. For an officialÂ’s time-out, other than when B is awarded a new series or either team is awarded a new series following a legal kick.

The question in the play is this. Was either team awarded a new series? The effect of R fouling and K deciding to replay the down means that niether team wasawarded a new series of downs (per rule). Thus, clock starts on the ready-for-play.

Mike Sears
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