Not sure if I read this the way you meant it, but I've gone to my partner too when I had no intention of changing a call. I've called & my partner & I will get together and appear to be talking. I told one partner to just stand there while I told him what an incredible butt-head this particular coach was, that we were talking only for the sake of appearance, he should nod his head once or twice, then shake his head about 5-10 seconds later. Then I left & told the coach that the call stood.
And, like Steve said - when the boss wants you to work a certain way - you work that way or don't work. And, every level, when a catcher asks me about a check swing, I go to one or the other base ump.
addition - John must have been entering his post at the same time I was. I think he summed up going for help very well with "And if you're presented with a valid, lucid argument/explanation, then by all means go. BUT if it's just a plain vanilla "you gotta get help on that, blue," then screw 'em."
Steve M