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Old Fri Sep 23, 2005, 03:26pm
PS2Man PS2Man is offline
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Posts: 235
Originally posted by ChuckElias

Originally posted by PS2
Separate the shot clock and the 10 second count. These things are not one in the same.

While they are not the same by rule, they are very often the same in practice. Usually, the player who receives the inbound pass establishes control immediately; either by catching the ball or starting a dribble. Therefore, in most backcourt throw-in situations, the 10 second count should expire when the shot clock shows 25 seconds (Men's) or 20 seconds (Women's).
If the ball is passed inbounds and B1 is the first to touch the ball, the shot clock should start. This really applies if the clock was started preiviously during team A's possession.
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