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Old Fri Sep 23, 2005, 09:53am
jrfath jrfath is offline
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I have flagged two HS coaches this year working linesman.

First one was a varsity game, when after he questioned a call, R met with him. He didn't like the answer, and was still arguing somewhat. BJ told the coach to "lets go coach, just coach 'em up". Head coach answered to BJ yelling..."I have to coach you up because you suck!" I did not hesitate on that one.

Second one was a JV game, where after explaining to a coach why a pass on a potentially tieing 2-point conversion was incomplete (close call), I began running up the sideline to get ready for the kick off. He was still arguing the call, and muttered "that is f'ing rediculous" loud enough for me to clearly hear it 10 yards away. I did not hesitate on that one either.

My basis...if a coach used any profanity in a disrespecting way towards an official, or towards a call made. Other than that, it depends on the situation, kind of like the first one I mentioned above.

I don't like to flag coaches, but when the line is crossed, you can't hesitate.
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