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Old Thu Oct 04, 2001, 11:05pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally posted by Richard Ogg
It seems to me the POE were really strengthened on this point this year. I know that many officials in my area are just receiving their new rule books and have not read them. Several of the above posts suggests the author, too, has not read the new rule book. These answers look pretty good for last year.

Now the book states very explicitly that any touch is a foul. PERIOD. Will this be called? I'm sure it will vary from official to official with bias from area to area. I will find it hard to call it off-ball when the defender reaches blindly behind them to find the offensive player (additional "eyes"). So far this year if you "measure" the ball-handler in my game you just bought yourself a foul. You cannot "find" the player. That's the rule book, and it leaves no room for varied interpretation. (See the second bullet on page 69, guys.) My intent is to be just as firm on the forearm (bullet #3) except the only action in our area this early is JH girls and they don't generally play the low-post stuff that generates these situations.

One ramification of this is it forces you to call the handcheck-on-the-drive foul earlier and generally before the shot. Earlier this week I was the only choice for a second ref in my 8th grade daughter's game. Early in the game I wiped her made basket off due to a handcheck at the top of the paint. (I later wiped another one off for palming as she drove the key. She has not talked to me about the game.)

The biggest potential problem I see is if an area has a bunch of veteran ref's that refuse to learn or change and insist on calling the game like they used to. That will create a lot of inconsistency. Some associations may realize they have this problem and therefore instruct everyone to some middle ground.

So coach, like I tell my daughter every week, you have to play the game you get, not the one you want. I doubt you need to teach the hands because it comes pretty natural. You will have to find a way to adjust during each game. (That's why they pay you the big bucks! )
When your games have 15 fouls and both teams are in the Two Shoot Bonus by the middle of the second quarter, I bet you will not be calling too many "touch" fouls after that. I understand what the NF is trying to do, but we still must use common sense. Players touch each other incidentally sometimes and it would be hard pressed to call fouls on a defender that in no way tried to influence or did not influence the actions of a ball handler and definitely not a post player. There still has to be some advantage to call a foul on a player in my opinion. But then again, you have to do what is acceptable in your area or by your assignors.


[Edited by JRutledge on Oct 4th, 2001 at 11:11 PM]
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