Okay, first of all I take full responsibility for my failure to know the correct procedures for renewing my license. Last year was my first year to officiate. In getting prepared for this volleyball season, along with attending the rules interpretation meeting and my local association meetings, I took in a varsity match about a week before my first scheduled match. I noticed that the officials were wearing a different colored patch from the one we had last year. I was curious why that was.
I got home and started looking through all my correspondence and realized that, like an idiot, I had set aside my license renewal form without returning it. The next day I called the state association and apologized profusely. I wasn't trying to get out of the late fee, which is $100 extra here in the state of Indiana (the regular fee is $55). The lady I spoke to assured me that I wasn't the only one who hadn't renewed and that if I faxed the form along with a credit card number that I would have my patches and rule books within 2-3 days. I was glad to hear that since on the form it said to expect to wait 30 days.
The problem is that it is now three weeks later and I still haven't received anything. Every time I call this same lady assures me that she received my form, my credit card was charged (I knew that already!) and that I will be getting my package within 2-3 days. I feel bad showing up for all my matches with last year's patch, and having only last year's rule book to review (I would have ordered one from NFHS if I knew it would take me this long). No one has said anything to me about it but still I feel as though I am out of uniform.
Does anyone have any similar horror stories? How about any advice to give to me? I hate being a pest and calling this woman every few days, but by the same token I feel that the $100 extra late fee is punishment enough without me having to grovel to get my patches and books. Would I have a similar experience outside of Indiana? It goes without saying that I will never ever set aside that letter that has "Attention: License Renewal" again.