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Old Thu Oct 04, 2001, 03:39pm
Fox40 Fox40 is offline
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Join Date: Oct 1999
Posts: 36

I agree with most of the replies on this subject (handchecking). A defensive player can "find" his player, but he cannot direct him. I seldom call it (but it has been called) in the frontcourt out near the division line, but if an offensive player with the ball breaks for the basket on a drive and the defensive player is using his
hand(s) to guide the player from driving to the goal a handcheck or possibly a hold can be called. A good rule of thumb for handchecking is either using both hands or the one arm is straight (stiff) out on the other player. A bent arm one hand touch to "find" the other player would be a tough call and a hard one to be consistent on.
If in your example a defensive player was touching my offensive player's chest I would instruct my player to knock his hand away IMHO. If the officiating in the game is consistent you should get a feel as a coach as to how they are going to call it and adjust accordingly.

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