I coach a 6th grade travel team and one of the major things I'm trying to accomplish is to teach the kids the rules. I was a poor high school player many years ago in the "pre-hand check" era. I'm glad to see a trend back to that era, but it is still a bit vague to me. I have read the POE for this year and it starts with "hands off". Seems very clear to me. But I still see alot of teams coached by guys younger than me who have obviously taught their kids to "use their hands as their second eyes" - often this goes beyond simply "tagging" the offensive player to find him. My guy is standing at the wing and their guy is next to him with his hand on my guy's chest. I tell my kids that they themselves are not permitted to do that, that defense is played with the eyes and feet, etc. etc. Then they ask me if it's againt the rules. If it is, it never seems to be called.