Originally posted by Jaysef
Thanks Bulldog. Your perspective helps in the way we think about these calls. I believe we used proper judgement.
On the play by K, it was K knocking R to the ground, in the back, in open field, while running towards the return. Technically, I suppose he was heading towards the runner, but he was still 20-30 yards from runner. On the D-hold call, it was the D-lineman taking the O-lineman by his jersey, and spin-slamming him to the ground by his jersey. Is this perhaps Illegal use of hands? How would you rule?
If I understand the term spin-slamming he is basically just grasping the O-Lineman, spinning his body and using the momentum of the spin to drive the O-lineman into the ground and this is not a bonafide attempt to make a move on the lineman to get by him and make a play on the ball or ball carrier. It is an act directed at putting a 'hit' on the O-Lineman. If I see a player on either side doing something that does not further their participation in the play and is meant solely to be a vicious action against an opponent I start calling 9-4-3g,
Make an other contact with an opponent which is deemed unnecessary and which incites roughness. The fact the players are padded and playing football does not give a player the liberty to hit an opponent just for the sake of hitting him. A spin-slam sounds like it incites roughness to me and the PF 15 yards will get their attention and cause less coach/player confusion than a 10 yard holding call. If it doesn't incite roughness in the covering official's opinion, it could still be defensive holding if he is just restraining his opponent and not making a play on the ball or ball carrier.