Wed Sep 14, 2005, 09:04pm
In Memoriam
Join Date: Nov 1999
Location: Houghton, U.P., Michigan
Posts: 9,953
Originally posted by ChuckElias
Well, I just saw something that I've never seen before. Ever. With 2 outs in the Red Sox half of the fifth inning tonight and Gabe Kapler on 1st base, Tony Graffanino lifted a deep fly ball to left field. Kapler takes off from 1st and is running hard. The ball goes out for a home run, but as he rounds 2nd base, Kapler turns his ankle and goes down in a heap. He can't continue. The trainers come out to look at him as Graffanino stands on 2nd base, not wanting to pass Kapler.
It's decided that Kapler can't continue and a pinch runner is brought in to finish Kapler's trip around the bases. The pinch runner comes in from the dugout and just jogs to third and home, Graffanino right behind him.
Unbelievable. I've never seen a pinch runner inserted during a play on the field. I love baseball.
OBR 5.10(c) The ball becomes dead when an umpire calls "Time. The umpire-in-chief shall call "Time" (c) When an accident incapacitates a player or an umpire; (1)If an accident to a runner is such as to prevent him from proceeding to a base to which he is entitled, as on a home run hit out of the playing field, or an award of one or more bases, a substitute runner shall be permitted to complete the play.
That's pretty cool, Chuck!
I always like Gabe. Liked him right away as a young Tiger cub (with hair). Hope it isn't bad.